Nowadays, the appearance of an application is a criterion that is becoming increasingly important. A coherent appearance also has an impact on usability for the customer. In the upcoming conzept 16 version 5.7.10, there will be two enhancements that address precisely this issue.
Alternative login in the standard client:
In the future, the conzept 16 standard client can be configured so that the user finds a single combined dialog when logging in instead of the three individual dialogs for server selection, database selection and user login, corresponding to the login dialog of the Advanced client. There are two ways to activate this alternative login window:
On the one hand by specifying /C16LOGINGUI=Y on the command line, on the other hand by entering LOGINGUI=Y in the configuration file (c16.cfg). It is important to ensure that the command line option takes precedence over the entry in the configuration file. If the entries have been set accordingly, the alternative login has an effect both when the standard client is started and when menu item ‘Open Databank’ is selected.

Background image for login dialog:
In future, a background image can be inserted in the login dialog of the Standard and Advanced client. The displayed image can be in JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP or GIF format. The graphic is centered in the login dialog. If the image is to be displayed accurately in the login window, it must have a size of 430 x 290 pixels. To display a background image, the LOGINGUIPICTURE entry must be present in the configuration file (c16.cfg or c16_apgi.cfg). This entry specifies the path and file name of the external graphic. In the standard client, the image is only displayed if the alternative login dialog is also activated.