Integrated desktop mode

When creating design forms in the Designer, great importance was attached from the outset to ensuring that the windows look as much as possible at design time as they will when executed at runtime. For this reason, the windows are arranged directly below the desktop. However, this reduces the clarity when many frames are open.


Each frame opened in the Designer creates an entry in the Windows taskbar. If several design forms are open, the problem arises that the entries in the taskbar become confusing. The problem is exacerbated if the Designer has been started several times on the computer (Fig. 1). The illustration shows the pop-up that is displayed in the Windows taskbar when two instances with nine design forms each are displayed.

Mehrere Designer-InstanzenFig. 1: Windows 8.1 taskbar pop-up
Integrated desktop mode

From version 5.7.10 of conzept 16 (target date for the release of the version is March 27), the Designer can be configured so that design forms are arranged as windows below the Designer (Fig. 2).

Designer im integrierten DesktopmodusFig. 2: Designer in integrated desktop mode

The Designer presents itself as an MDI application and has a similar structure to the conzept 16 editor. The new presentation offers the following advantages:

  • Greater clarity
    Because the design forms are now embedded in the Designer (MDI application), they no longer appear as individual windows on the Windows taskbar.
  • Better utilization of multiple existing screens
    The Designer window was previously limited to the first screen and could only be positioned at the top or bottom of the screen. Now the Designer can be moved to the secondary screen together with subordinate design forms, for example.
  • Standardized window display
    The Designer window now resembles a standard Windows application with title bar, menu and status bar. This means that it can be freely resized. The status bar contains the display information (user, database, processing status, etc.).
It’s all a question of attitude

If you update from an earlier version to version 5.7.10 and start the Designer, it will appear in its usual form. The arrangement and display of the design forms is also unchanged. Nothing changes for you. The only exception: the Designer has not yet been opened by the database user. In this case, the Designer starts in integrated desktop mode.

If you want to use the new display, you need to take a look at the Designer settings (Fig. 3). Select the new desktop mode ‘Integrated’ and confirm with ‘OK’ to activate the new display. It is not necessary to restart the Designer. It is just as easy to return to the ‘old’ display. To do this, simply select the previously used desktop mode. You can switch between the modes at any time without any restrictions.

Fig. 3: New desktop mode ‘Integrated’
Want a sneak peek?

If you need a little distraction from the “developer’s daily routine”: the integrated desktop mode is already included in the current pre-release version 5.7.09f. If you are interested in the pre-release version, simply send us an e-mail:

We are always open to suggestions.
But now have fun experimenting!

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As of: Sept. 2024

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