conzept 16-Version 5.7.08

Version 5.7.08 is available for download as of today.
The version includes the following additions:

  • Preload DLL / Shared Library
    In the configuration file of the SOA task, the name of a DLL or shared library to be loaded can be specified via the new entry c16_proc_library. This is then loaded when the SOA task is started. The command DllLoad() refers to the previously loaded library if an empty character string is passed as the name for the library.
All components
  • Enlargement of the procedure cache
    Related article: Der P-Code-Cache im Detail
  • Updating the OpenSSL library
    The OpenSSL library used has been updated to version 1.0.1i.

CtxDocEdit object

Memory object

  • New functions MemSign() and MemVerify()
    Related article: Signieren mit CONZEPT 16
  • Change to the MemCnv() function with _MemDecBase64
    The function MemCnv() decoded incorrect data in the conversion mode _MemDecBase64 if it contained whitespace characters such as spaces and line breaks or non-permitted characters. Whitespace characters are now ignored and the error value _ErrData is returned for non-permitted characters. Fill characters at the end of the data (=) are optional.
  • New options for the MemCnv() function
    With the new options _MemEncHex and _MemDecHex in the MemCnv() command, data can be encoded into or decoded from hexadecimal characters. Encoding doubles the amount of data, decoding halves it.
  • New argument for function MemFindStr()
    In the new, optional argument of MemFindStr(), the search options that are already known from StrFind() can be specified.
  • New option _MemKeyMem for MemHMAC()
    The new option _MemKeyMem for MemHMAC() defines that the key for the hash procedure is specified as a memory object in the new optional argument.

PrtJobPreView object

  • New property wpShowPageOffset for the PrtJobPreview object
    The new property wpShowPageOffset can be used to set for the PrtJobPreview object whether the page offset of 1 cm to the top left edge of the PrintDocument is displayed.


  • New event EvtHelpTip
    Related article: Neues Ereignis EvtHelpTip
  • Changed call of the event EvtMouseItem
    The call of EvtMouseItem has been changed for the DocView and RecView objects. In the DocView object, _WinHitCorner was previously transferred as aHitTest in the complete view area and _WinHitIvlRight in the corner between the scrollbars. Now _WinHitDocViewPage is transferred in the view area if a page has been clicked on and _WinHitNone if no page has been clicked on. The event is no longer triggered in the corner between the scrollbars and the EvtMouseItem is no longer triggered for the RecView object if the corner between the two scrollbars is clicked.
  • Property wpFmtBoolStyle in the event EvtLstDataInit
    If the wpFmtBoolStyle property is set in EvtLstDataInit, this affects the current cell and not the entire column.
  • The Page up and Page downv keys in combination with the Alt key now also trigger the EvtKeyItem event.

System (_Sys)

  • Neue Eigenschaft spPathClient
    The spPathClient property of the _Sys object can be used to determine the path from which the respective client was started.

Surface commands

  • New option _WinUnicode for the WinInfo() function
    The new option _WinUnicode for WinInfo() can be used to determine whether an object supports Unicode properties.

Data set buffer commands

  • Functions RecBufCreate() and RecBufDefault() in connected databases
    Record buffers of connected databases can now be generated using the functions RecBufCreate() and RecBufDefault().

E-mail commands

  • New option _MimeContentID for function MailData()
    To embed images in emails that are displayed on Apple devices, there is now the option _MimeContentID for MailData(). This must be specified together with _MimeRelated. The image must also be referenced both in the argument of MailData() and in the email in the form ‘cid:<Name>‘.

User commands

  • New options for function UserInfo()
    The options _UserPlatform and _UserJobID can be used to determine the procedure environment and the job ID of a user. If it is a user logged in via the JobStart() function, the ID of the job is returned.

Conversion commands

  • New options _FmtTimeSFormat and _FmtTimeLFormat for CnvAT() and wpFmtTimeFlags
    If _FmtTimeSFormat or _FmtTimeLFormat is specified for CnvAT() or wpFmtTimeFlags, the spLclTimeSFormat or spLclTimeLFormat property is taken into account when converting to a character string.

PDF processing

  • PDF generation after failed PDF/A generation
    If the constant ppPdfMode is specified for function PdfClose() or the property _PdfModePdfANormal, an attempt is first made to create a PDF/A document. Gelingt dies nicht, wird ein normales PDF-Dokument erstellt.


  • Icon display in the tab of a notebook page
    The Notebook object now supports the display of images in the NotebookPage tabs. The image is selected in the NotebookPage object. The properties wpImageTile and wpImageTileUser have been added there. The display option wpImageOption has been added to the Notebook object.

Button objects, HyperLink, NotebookPage

  • Properties wpIcon and wpTileSize
    In conzept 16, symbols are displayed using tiles consisting of n x m images. In addition to this procedure, it is now also possible to directly assign symbols with individual sizes per object. The properties wpIcon and wpTileSize are available for the above-mentioned objects.

GroupTile button

  • New object GroupTile-Button
    GroupTile objects can now have additional buttons added to the title bar. Related article: Das GroupTileButton-Objekt


  • New property wpThemed for the GroupSplit object
    With the new property wpThemed for the GroupSplit object, the optional title bar of the object and the subordinate GroupTile objects can be displayed in the style of the operating system currently in use.

Locale object

  • New property spLclTimeLFormat for the Locale object
    The new property spLclTimeLFormat of the locale object can be used to define the long time format. Up to and including Windows Vista, this property has the same value as spLclTimeSFormat by default.
    Previously, the property spLclTimeSFormat (for the short time format) always returned the long time format under Windows 7 and Windows 8. This behavior has been corrected accordingly.
    In addition, the formatting character ‘T’ has been introduced for spLclTimeLFormat and spLclTimeSFormat, with which the complete symbol for the morning (spLclTimeSepAM) or afternoon (spLclTimeSepPM) is formatted into the time.


  • Properties ppFontSizeTwips and ppLineSpacingTwips for the PrtRtf object
    Properties ppFontSizeTwips and ppLineSpacingTwips have been added to the PrtRtf object. ppFontSizeTwips defines the font size and ppLineSpacingTwips the line spacing. They always refer to the complete RTF document.
    ppFontSizeTwips is ignored for the value -1, ppLineSpacingTwips for _PrtRtfLineSpacingCurrent.
  • More detailed export of frames as XML file
    If a frame is exported as an XML file using the Export menu item, more details are saved for the properties wpDbRecBuf and wpDbVar.
  • Changing the search sequence of the documentation
    The documentation is searched for by the client and the debugger in the following order: – relative to the client path under …\Doc
    – Client path
    – Installation path\Doc

In addition to these enhancements, bugs have also been fixed. An overview of the corrections can be found in the error document.

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As of: Sept. 2024

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