Updating a conzept 16 database or application does not pose any major difficulties for most developers and users of the current software generation. It is usually sufficient to exchange the program files on the server and the clients, then load the new database definition and the update is complete.
However, you are faced with new challenges when you are not dealing with a relatively up-to-date database version, but with an antique version. This is what happened a few weeks ago when we converted a user system from 1996 with Windows 95 as the operating system and the “current” database version 3.2, which itself was still a DOS version from 1993. Like an archaeologist who had discovered a unique artifact, we set about analyzing the system with great enthusiasm and care.
First, the database was ported to a current PC system and we were immediately faced with our first real challenge:
The simple question arose of finding a suitable superuser user and their password in order to be able to open the database accordingly. That was the first challenge, because passwords that no one has ever written down and were assigned over 20 years ago – who even remembers them? We searched through many memories and finally found what we were looking for. The “upgrade from version 3.2” mission began.
The database was updated and migrated to version 5.7 in several steps, but who would know how to do this after almost 20 years? Who has the necessary program files? We certainly don’t. Our history ended with version 4.0, well after 1993 and far removed from DOS times. Nevertheless, we found what we were looking for: In the vectorsoft software archive. The required conversion programs were still available there and were immediately made available to us.
From now on, it was simple: upgrade to version 3.3, then to 3.4, then to version 3.5 and immediately to 4.0. Within a few minutes, the database was at a version level from which we could easily carry out further updates and upgrades. And after just one hour, the database, including all data, lists and special functions, was up to date. Finally, the new keys were reorganized and the changeover was successfully completed.
Immediately executable with all master, transaction and statistical data since the system was installed over 20 years ago. Our user was delighted. The conversion and commissioning of a completely new Windows application with data from the IT era while retaining the user guidance and the familiar data was a small “IT miracle” for him.
For us as Goecom, it once again showed how powerful conzept 16 is. It was not only the vectorsoft product that made this migration a real success, but also the teamwork with vectorsoft support.
I’m curious to see if and when we might come across an even older version 2.5 or 3.0 again. I am sure that we will also be able to update these versions without stress.