A new release for conzept 16 is ready with these highlights:
Furthermore, with extensions in the areas of:
- conzept 16 | All components
- conzept 16 | Server
- conzept 16 | Standard and Advanced Client
- conzept 16 | Programming interface
In addition to numerous enhancements, the current release offers the following special features:
Extensions of the debugger
For better readability, the corresponding constants are displayed instead of the previous numerical values when displaying property values. It is now possible to define one or more procedure functions in the debugger settings, that automatically stop the debugger when they are executed.
Export and import of resources in XML format
Dialog / menu and print resources can now be exported and imported in XML format using procedure functions. This makes it easier to track changes to resources and version projects. In addition to XML, conzept 16’s own resource format (rsc) is also supported.
conzept 16 | All components
- Updating the OpenSSL library
- The OpenSSL library has been updated to version 3.1.1.
conzept 16 | Server
- License file (c16.lic)
- The license version 5.9.05 is required to operate conzept 16 | Server 5.9.05. The license file must be updated for this. If the “Automatic update of the license file” option is activated for the server, a manual update is not necessary.
- Connection to the vectorsoft license servers
- The conzept 16 server now connects to the license servers primarily via IPv4. An IPv6 connection is only attempted if no IPv4 connection is established.
conzept 16 | Standard and Advanced Client
- New functions WinExport() / WinExportMem() und WinImport() / WinImportMem()
- For the export and import of dialog / menu and print resources, the functions above have been added to the scope of functions.
- New functions PrtFormOpen() / PrtFormSave() und WinMenuOpen() / WinMenuSave()
- In addition to the existing WinOpen() and WinSave() functions for loading and saving dialog objects, print objects and menus can also be processed from this version onwards.
- Extension of the PdfClose() function
- The PdfClose() function has been extended to include the writing of an optional error log.
- Extension of the JsonLoad() function
- If the new option _JsonLoadPure is specified in the parameter (int2), character strings (spValueAlpha) are loaded without conversion.
- Extension of the SckInfo() function
- The new _SckClientVersion option in SckInfo() can be used to determine the SSL version that is used.
- Chromium object
- The Chromium components have been updated to version ‘126.2.10+g61241e4+chromium-126.0.6478.127’ and contain security-critical bug fixes.
- CtxDocEdit object
- The ActiveX components for the CtxDocEdit object have been updated to version 32.0. New features are documented on the website of the manufacturer “Text Control”.
- TextEdit object
- In dialogs with “Unicode input”, the TextEdit object is now also Unicode-capable.
- Application (_App) object
- The new “wpDesignerOpen” property can be used to determine whether the procedure in question was executed from within the conzept 16 Designer.
conzept 16 | Debugger
- Monitoring the “Error” system variable
- The “Error” system variable can now be monitored for changes. If the global error value changes, execution is stopped at the next possible point.
- Export handles as XML
- The descriptors displayed on the “Local” tab page of the “All variables” page can be exported in XML format via the “Export node” context menu.
- Displaying constants in the properties of descriptors
- In the properties of descriptors, the corresponding constants numerical values are displayed instead of the numerical values for properties for which characteristics exist
- Stopping the debugger when executing predefined functions
- In the “Debug” section of the debugger settings, procedure functions can be defined which automatically stop the debugger when they are entered.
conzept 16 | Programming interface
- Extended programming interface in 64-bit architecture
- The extended programming interface is now also available in a 64-bit version (c16_pgxe_w64.dll). The setup routine installs the version when the “API” component is selected.
You can access the download here via our new customer center