conzept 16 Release 5.9.03

conzept 16 RELEASE 5.9.03

A new release for conzept 16 is ready containing these Highlights:

As well as the following Extensions  



In addition to numerous enhancements, the current release offers the following special features:

Extension of the debuggers

The debugger allows debugging of surface objects and dynamic structures (Cte), as well as their underlying objects. The properties can be displayed and modified.

Further information : New debugger video


Using the WinSave() function, dialog objects can be exported as an XML document. Importing is possible with the new function WinLoad(). Additionally, the import function of the designer has been extended to import files in XML format.

Further information : New XML processing video

Microsoft Modern Authentication

Sending mail via the MailOpen() function now offers the option of using Microsoft 365 Modern Authentication or OAuth 2.0. This is a token-based authorization method. In addition to MailOpen(), the authentication method can also be used for the alert mail function of the conzept 16 | Server and the SOA service.


conzept 16 | Server
  • License file (c16.lic)
    • For the operation of the conzept 16 | Server 5.9.03 a license version 5.9.03 is necessary. The license file must be updated for this purpose. If the option “Automatic update of the license file” is activated for the server, a manual update is not necessary.
  • Operating system Linux
    • From this version on, the Linux kernel version 6.x is supported.
  • E-mail notification
    • Support for the OAuth 2.0 authentication method.
  • Web administration / testing e-mail notification
    • If an alert mail test is performed in the web administration, the manager process now creates a log file in the manager process log file directory. This has the name “c16_serv_mgr.smtp”. Simply put, the file contains the log exchange with the SMTP server.
conzept 16 | Standard- und Advanced-Client
  • WinSave() function
    • The WinSave() function has been extended by the external saving of dialog objects in XML and conzept 16 resource format (rsc).
  • WinLoad() function
    • The new WinLoad() function allows loading of dialog objects that are in XML format.
  • Mailopen() function
    • The Mailopen() function has been extended to able to send mail based on the OAuth 2.0 authentication method.
  • SelRun() function
    • From this version on it is possible to cancel a running preselection via the selection dialog. To do this, the SelRun() function must be executed with the _SelDisplay and _SelBreak options.
  • Chromium object
    • In the Chromium object, version information about Chromium and the CEF (Chromium Embedded Framework) can be determined. For this purpose, the URL “chrome://version/” is specified in the address line.
    • The default language for displaying web pages in the Chromium object is now made dependent on the display language of the logged in Windows user. The language is set during the initialization of the Chromium object. If the Windows language is changed, a restart of the client is required.
    • Chromium components have been updated to version ‘107.1.9+g1f0a21a+chromium-107.0.5304.110’ and contain security-critical bug fixes.
  • GanttGraph object
    • The GanttGraph object has the new property “ColBanded”. If this is set to a value not equal to _WinColUndefined / _WinColTransparent, a line-by-line color alternating area is displayed. The new color is also available for Modern theme in the Theme Editor (_WinPropThemeColBanded).
conzept 16 | Debugger
  • Debugging surface objects and Cte structures
    • The debugger now allows debugging of surface objects and Cte structures, as well as their underlying objects. The properties can be displayed and modified. For this feature, the debugger and client must be on version 5.9.03. The version of the connected client is displayed in the status bar of the debugger.
conzept 16 | Programming interface
  • Support of the authentication method OAuth 2.0
    • In the advanced programming interface (c16_pgxe.dll), the MailOpen() function can also be used for sending via OAuth. If authentication is required, the same interaction method is used as with the standard and advanced client. The programming interface without extension (c16_pgxw.dll and c16_pgx_w64.dll) do *not* support sending via OAuth.
conzept 16 | SOA-Service
  • Support for the OAuth 2.0 authentication method
    • The SOA task also allows mail to be sent via OAuth. If authentication is required, the same interaction method is used as with the standard and advanced client.
conzept 16 | Designer
  • Definition of your own keywords for the autocomplete list of the code editor
    • Custom keywords can be added to the autocomplete list in the code editor. To do this, a file with the name “c16_keywords.ini” is created, which contains the user-defined keywords. The file must be located in the configuration files directory (ProgramData\CONZEPT 16\Client) or in the execution directory of the client.
  • Importing dialogs in XML format
    • Dialogs and frames can already be exported as XML files from the designer. Starting from this version, the import of dialog objects in XML format is also supported.


You can access the download here via our customer center

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As of: Sept. 2024

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