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Frequently asked questions

Who, what, where, how, since when ...

Summary of the most frequently asked questions about the product and us.

conzept 16

conzept 16 is an integrated development environment (IDE) with its own relational database management system, for creating software applications quickly and efficiently. All necessary tools are already available out-of-the-box: Simple visual design of the user interface (GUI), print outputs and data dictionary. For the implementation of the program logic, an intelligent code editor and an interactive source code debugger are available to the user.

vectorsoft AG with its headquarters in Heusenstamm near Frankfurt am Main, develops and distributes the program development system conzept 16. Currently, more than 800 software partners in Germany and over 350 software partners abroad develop application software with our solution.

The first version of conzept 16 was introduced in 1984. Since 1992 conzept 16 has been available in a 32 bit version. The client/server architecture has been supported since 1993. Since 1995 the server also has supported 64 bit architectures.

More than 800 software partners develop with conzept 16. There are applications for a wide variety of industries based on conzept 16, which are also used by well-known companies worldwide.

We are happy to provide a free evaluation workshop tailored to your individual needs for the introduction to conzept 16. All your questions are answered by our experts on site.
You can directly download a developer evaluation license with a complete development environment here.

Almost all types of applications that involve data management in computer environments and require short development times and high application performance can be written with conzept 16 (e.g. inventory management, ERP systems, CRM systems, industry solutions (e.g. retail)).


conzept 16 is the right product if you …

  • want to quickly write a database application that is easy to install and administer.
  • want to have consistently fast access times even with large amounts of data.
  • need a database that is easily scalable and can be used on numerous server platforms.
  • value direct, reliable support.
  • need a system that provides you with data 24 hours a day.
  • need reliable protection against data manipulation at file level.
  • want to assign individual rights to the data down to field level.

Depending on the operating system of the server, up to 8 tebibytes of data can be stored in a database. The processing speed remains consistently quick even with larger amounts of data.

The conzept 16 client requires Windows 7 or higher as the operating system and a graphics resolution of at least 1024 x 768, although a resolution of 1280 x 1024 or higher is recommended. Your computer should at least have 4 GB of RAM and 500 MB of free hard disk space.

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022

The conzept 16 server is available for both 32-bit and 64-bit versions for the following operating systems:

  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8
  • Windows 8.1
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 11
  • Windows Server 2008 R2
  • Windows Server 2012
  • Windows Server 2012 R2
  • Windows Server 2016
  • Windows Server 2019
  • Windows Server 2022


Linux distributions are supported starting with kernel 3.0. This includes:

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server from version 11 with Service Pack 2
  • openSUSE from version 12.1
  • Red Hat Enterprise Server from version 5.8
  • Fedora from version 16
  • Debian from version 7
Windows Server 2022| 5.9.02
Windows 11| 5.9.02
Windows Server 2019| 5.8.06
Windows Server 2016| 5.8.06
Windows 10| 5.8.00
Windows Server 2012 R2 / Windows 8.1| 5.7.05
Windows Server 2012 / Windows 8| 5.7.00
Windows Server 2008 R2 / Windows 7| 5.5.00

You can increase the number of users of the TLL and buying licenses at any time. Simply contact our organisation department by phone or e-mail (+49 6104 660 100).

The number of users of a TLL can always be reduced at the next billing date after the first year of maintenance has elapsed.


A conzept 16 application is primarily made up of three components: the data structure, the dialogues and the procedures. The data structure defines the form of the data that is supposed to be stored and its relations to each other. The dialogues forms the application interface, which is the interface for the user. The procedures are responsible for the interaction between the dialogue and the application. Other integrated components, such as database diagnostics, data transfers and user administration complete the application.

You only need a conzept 16 development license. This allows you mainly focus on system analysis, since conzept 16 takes the main development work off your hands with its elements for intuitive software development.

No special previous knowledge is required for the installation of conzept 16. The entry of a database into the server’s data room table is described in the provided online help – everything else is self-explanatory.

The application is created in an easy-to-learn programming language based on C.

A skilled programmer can create an application (database) in less than 5 minutes. The created database already contains a table and all functions to manage (read, save, change and delete) the database. conzept 16 supports RAD (Rapid Application Development), which allows many standard functions to be activated simply by clicking them, without having to programme a line.

The conzept 16 evaluation license includes a tutorial, a sample job management and a sample database. You get a well-structured introduction to the development with the tutorial.

The sample order management contains customer management with a contact person and an article and order management. It demonstrates the programming of a database. In the sample order management, changes can be made to the data structure and programming.

The sample database contains executable source code fragments for selected topics. Among other things, you will also find highlights such as a complete RTF editor and a file manager with drag & drop functionality.


We provide you with the possibility to create an invoice in ZUGFeRD format.
More information on this topic is available in the blog article “ZUGFeRD mit conzept 16“.

In the blog article “Versioning a conzept 16 project” we present our approach to versioning using Git. Additionally we provide the conzept 16 plugin for you to download and try out.

The COM interface in conzept 16 can be used to control programs like Excel.
In the blog article “Nützliche COM-Objekte” we briefly introduce this topic.

In this case, Message Exchange (Msx commands) is a good option. For example, the message exchange can take place via sockets or files.

This topic is discussed in detail in our series of articles about Message Exchange.

For easier work with date and time values, the Caltime data type is a good choice.
In our blog article “Der CalTime-Datentyp” you can learn more about the data type and its application.

With our blog article “Druckvorschau selbstgemacht!” we address this issue and provide support with a short example.

Many additional program functions can be integrated via runtime libraries.
In our article “Hast du Töne…!?” we explain how music can be played, for example.


The SOA service offered by vectorsoft and the PHP interface are well suited for this purpose.

Other databases are accessed via ODBC, the COM (Component Object Model) interface, files in ASCII format or via functions called from libraries (DLLs).

Yes. vectorsoft provides an external programming interface in the form of a DLL. The DLL contains all necessary functions to communicate with the database server.


It is only possible to access the data via the conzept 16 server, so that the actual user does not need to access the drive on which the database is located. As a result, modification of the database files can be prevented.

The developer can completely controll the access of the client to the data. Each user of the database is assigned with a user name, by which special rights can be given or withdrawn. Data integrity is guaranteed by the server. After a server crash (power outage or hardware defects), all incomplete transactions are removed by a rollback.

Afterwards, a diagnosis of the database is automatically performed to rule out further damage to the database. The maximum data loss in the case of power failure is limited to a period of 30 seconds, during which the database cache is transferred to the database.

Yes. All data of the database is stored in a data room that is exclusively accessible by the conzept 16 server. Time periods can be defined in the server, in which the database can only be read. This is done in the background and is “invisible” for the user, who can continue working normally. All changes are stored temporarily until the server exclusively opens up the database again. During this time, the database can be copied or backed up by appropriate backup software. A backup by VSS (Volume Shadow Copy Service) supporting backup programs is directly possible.

The hardware-independent “hot standby” security concept offers high availability and fail-safety through two interconnected server systems.

  • The encrypted data in the database can be stored if the corresponding flag is set when creating the data structure
  • Commands to apply AES and RSA encryption, as well as RSA and DSA signature methods
  • Sending mail using SMTPS and SMTP with TLS
  • Socket connections with TLS (for example SOA service with HTTPS)
  • Hash procedures and HMAC


By telephone: +49 6104 660-300
By e-mail:

Monday – Thursday:

08:30 – 12:30

 13:30 – 17:00


08:30 – 12:30

 13:00 – 15:00

Via hotline directly to support: +49 6104 660-300

We know that nothing is as urgent as a specific user question that needs to be solved. If questions cannot be answered immediately on the phone or by email, they are usually processed and answered within 2 hours.

For conzept 16 developers, vectorsoft offers a flexible workshop program that is individually tailored to the customer’s needs. Workshops take place either at our training center in Heusenstamm or at your own facility.

Requests, questions or feedback are welcome:

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As of: Sept. 2024

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